Competition in trivia 24


Trivia 24 is a popular trivia game where you can test your knowledge on a variety of topics. The game recently added a new feature called Competition Mode. In this mode, you can compete against other players for a chance to win prizes.

What is Competition Mode?

Competition Mode is a timed game mode where players answer as many questions correctly as possible. The player with the most correct answers at the end of the competition wins. Questions are randomly generated from a pool of questions, and you have 30 seconds to answer each question.

How Does Competition Mode Work?

To participate in Competition Mode, go to the Trivia 24 website or app and select the “Competition” tab. You will see a list of upcoming competitions. To join a competition, select the competition you want to join and click the “Join” button.

What Are the Prizes?

The prizes for Competition Mode vary depending on the competition. However, some of the prizes that have been offered in the past include gift cards, merchandise, and even cash prizes.

Why Should You Play Competition Mode?

There are many reasons why you should play Competition Mode in Trivia 24. First, it’s a great way to test your knowledge. The questions in Competition Mode are more challenging than the questions in other game modes, so you’ll really have to know your stuff to win. Second, Competition Mode is a great way to win prizes. If you’re lucky enough to win a competition, you could be walking away with some great prizes. Third, Competition Mode is a great way to have fun. It’s a competitive environment, but it’s also a lot of fun to see how you stack up against other players.

How to Get Started

To get started with Competition Mode, go to the Trivia 24 app and select the “Competition” tab. You will see a list of upcoming competitions. To join a competition, select the competition you want to join and click the “Join” button.


Competition Mode is a great way to test your knowledge, win prizes, and have fun. If you’re looking for a challenging and exciting trivia experience, then I encourage you to try Competition Mode.

Call to Action:

  • Visit the Trivia 24 website or app today to try out Competition Mode!
  • Share this article with your friends and family so they can try it out too!